Fortnite Thoughts

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That title should get me some clicks, huh? That’s right – we’re two weeks away from the wedding. 14 days. That’s nothing. What does that mean to you? Well, remember all that stuff you pushed off and said you would get to eventually? Guess what. Eventually is here. Saying last week that I need a fast forward button was a HUGE mistake. I’m not sure if I can string together a coherent blog today because my brain is just rattling around with a million things going on. So here is what is in my head.

Where do you stay the night before the wedding? I hadn’t thought about it. I assumed I would get a hotel room but never did. When we called to book that and the honeymoon suite this morning, I was informed that my family booked the bridal suite for the wedding weekend. For themselves. It’s getting fixed but for a moment I felt like Jim and Pam when they found out Andy had the honeymoon suite the night before them.

Image result for andy bernard I'll break in the bed

Cake toppers. How many do you have? We need one. We have none. Make sure you get one. Cake looks naked without it. Also find a knife to cut the cake. Apparently the ones you have are no good. Get special ones. In fact, in looking this up, it turns out there are acutely two different knives. Good to know.

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Itineraries suck to put together. You have to plan out your day and everyone else associated with anything wedding related’s day. I don’t even know what I’m eating for dinner tonight much less how to plan multiple people’s day. But I’m going to do you a huge solid right now (read: eventually when I re-find the link) and give you this template which breaks the day out into 15 minute increments. That’s right. You’re day is planned out into pieces shorter than an episode of Seinfeld on Hulu. I’m not sure if this is going to stay true down to the minute, but if it get’s us some kind of order on what will surely be a whirlwind of a day, at least I don’t have to think about it then.

Bubbles. I just ordered a ton of bubbles to the apartment to have blown at us as we walk out of the church moments before we walk right back in to take pictures. Bubbles are actually hard to pick out. There are millions of them and they all have terrible reviews. Pick the least terrible is my suggestion. This is something you will feel like should be free, but for some reason they aren’t.

Seating arrangement. I haven’t even thought about this. Wish we could just go Southwest Airlines with it and let everyone pick their seats as they walk in. Feel like then nobody can be slighted. Once the cocktail hour ends, line everybody up outside the doors of the reception hall, countdown to three and let them loose. Basically a giant game of Darwinist musical chairs. Want a better seat? Should have moved faster. I’ll let you know if I can make that happen. [Editor’s note: not a chance]

On the plus side, it’s at least some momentary solace to know that in two weeks, I will be about to start a two week honeymoon where I don’t have to think about anything.


Side Note: I’m not a video game guy. Never have been. Except Tony Hawk games but those are great.

Completely Off Topic Side Note: I put gel insoles in some old sneakers today and they felt great. Better than any other pair of shoes I have. Told the lady to have a feel. She said all her shoes are way more comfortable. I’m still happy with my new insoles, but it makes me wonder what actually comfy shoes feel like.

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